About Our Leaders
Bishop Willie Bolden
Ministry over 40 years
Author of several Books including
“King to King”
(on Mentoring/Leadership)
Archbishop Bolden has served in Ministry over 40 years empowering and enriching thousands of lives around the world through teaching, mentoring, preaching and many miraculous healings by the grace of almighty God. In 1976, he founded Calvary Chapel Church Inc. of Fort Wayne Indiana, with eight people. He built a twenty thousand square foot building, and the ministry grew to over two thousand in attendance. After the completion of the building in 1989, Archbishop Bolden placed a pastor, Bishop Melvin Bolden, there to oversee the ministry and moved to Tampa Florida to start another work. Because of the death of his brother, he and his wife Pastor Rhonda have returned to lead the Fort Wayne church again now called The Well of Fort Wayne.
He started Lighthouse Christian Fellowship, now called Rehoboth The Well of Tampa Florida. This ministry grew to over one thousand. In 2004, they purchased a fifty thousand square foot building for the worshipers. God began tugging on his heart about a new assignment and moved to Los Angeles CA, where he built Rehoboth Faith Cathedral.
In 2014, his former wife of 39 years the late Glenda Bolden who helped him build the ministries, went home to be with the Lord.
Archbishop Bolden has truly been blessed by God to divinely connect with his present wife, Pastor Rhonda A. Bolden, who has already been a tremendous help in the work of the Kingdom of God. Bishop Bolden and his wife Pastor Rhonda, along with many Bishops, Pastors and Ministers launched a New Fellowship called Kingdom Alliance Ministry Fellowship International (KAM) September 2015!
Together they will help to bring the Church Back to the Basics, while Expecting the Supernatural.
Visit his websites above today or Call 1-866-895-8877.
P. O. Box 11602 ~ Fort Wayne, IN 46859 ~ 1-866-895-8877
Dr. Rhonda A.Bolden, CLC, CNHP
Ministry/Music over 30 years
Elevation Speaker/Coach over 30 years
Herbalist over 25 years
Radio/TV over 12 years
Pastor Rhonda is the wife of Bishop Willie Bolden and the daughter of the late Bishop Jesse and Ionie Grace White. She resides in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where she and her husband pastor “The WELL of Fort Wayne”. She has served in the work of the Lord for many years in various capacities, including at her father’s Church (as Vocal Trainer/Director). By the grace of God, she has traveled several years as a Change Agent Preaching and Teaching the Word of God at numerous Retreats, Conventions and Churches (including The Potter’s House – Bishop T.D. Jakes); and as an Elevation Speaker/Coach in Corporate America, Universities and Schools impacting all ages to Soar Beyond their Norm!
She has been blessed by God to Publish several books, in which 4 Books/CDs were Released on the SAME Day. She has hosted her own TV and Radio Shows, including on TCT Live Network reaching over 100 million worldwide.
She is a certified CNHP (Certified Natural Health Professional) and has helped many to be Proactive and not Reactive with their health and wholeness (To name a few: the renown LES Brown, Vanessa Bell Armstrong, Bishop Eddie Long, Dottie Peoples, Darwin Hobbs, Steven Lawrence of The Potter’s House, The Whitfield Singers, many many Pastors and thousands of men and women across the U.S. ).
Pastor Rhonda loves doing Business like the Proverbs 31 Woman and also has a mandate from God to Empower others to Recognize, Value and MAXmize on The Breath of God inside of them to build Wealth and a Legacy that will Last, through Divine Creativity/Entrepreneurship (Luke 19:13-14 NKJV; Deut. 8:17-19; Phil. 4:13; Is. 48:17-18 NKJV/MSG; Ps. 27 NLT). Also she has been mandated to Empower all to be Whole in God, to have Healthy Heavenly Relation-SHIPS and Soar like never before in every area of their lives for God’s Glory!
Visit her website today at: RhondaBolden.com or Call 1-888-435-5995.
P. O. Box 11602 ~ Fort Wayne, IN 46859 ~ 1-888-435-5995
“INspires and Creates a Forest-fire Desire in Y.O.U. to Soar Higher!”